Monday, May 24, 2010


Garbage robot Wall-E made himself up from wooden constructor.

This is awesome! Wall-E has two engines for tracks, remote controlled.

Front garbage box is opening.

Hello! I am originally Disney production but this version is made from maxi-size wooden constructor, not lego or meccano

I want some garbage!

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Antonov made of constructor landed on lake Ülemiste

This is rather big model I made from 8 boxes of maxi-size wooden constructor.

Aeroplane with 9 tires, about 1 m long and weight about 10 kg!

2 engines, 2 cargo bays and canopy.

Big and heavy like real thing.

Front canopy open.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Some kinetic more complex models

Heros has special construction range of models, mostly yellow-black with crawlers:



anti-riot tractor with winch

this is lifter platform

lifter up!

complex simple system for lifting

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Some motorized models

Pirate ship with motorized crane and radars

Motorized speedster

Forest trike

Crane with engine

Another log tractor

Monday, December 28, 2009

Two bigger models

Combined truck

Derrick crane with custom plate

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Some basic models

Inertia engine tractor

Crane with custom wooden frame

Rail crane


Tractor with additional plastic element

Piston engine

about constructor

There are many official-, fansites and blogs about Lego and Meccano constructors, many different copys and derrivates of the systems. What is totally black area at internet is big meccano-like mainly wooden system - in my childhood this standard was named Vero Construct and made in eastern germany (DDR), now compatible system is made by Heros Toys (germany). Brio MEC or Brio builder system seems also compatible with them as dutch SIO montage. I´m not discussing about copyright issues or patent pendings in this blog, just documenting what can be done with these big elements. In Estonia toy stores there is no good choices for real good toys, just Legos and mainstream stuff only, all overpriced, so I am happy that I found Pillerpall e-shop, where I got my Heros boxes, addition to 1975 Vero construct elements I had already. Vero Consructors are sometimes sold at german Ebay, for a very reasonable prices and mint conditions.

So whats the difference between Vero (left) and Heros (right)?

Vero main tiles are 2-3-4-5-6-7-9, Heros only 3-4-5-6, Vero is more solid build with round bevels.

Main 3D connection element is box (würfel), Vero had blue plastic ones with hole (one opened), Heros has no thru holes in wooden boxes, it is color coded and has dual box also.

Bolts are longer and color coded in Heros, Vero bolts are more solid. I use additional metal elements.

Tires and screwdrivers.

Vero gears and Heros wooden tire.